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Energy Healers – What Is It, and How to Pick One

May 10, 2024 | Jasmine Karichi

Energy is a fascinating aspect of the universe. Everything is made up of energy, and humans happen to be a part of it. Sometimes when a person’s energy is affected, their life might get hampered. Thus, to regain their past vitality and mental peace, many people approach energy healers who help them regain their lost … Continued

Energy is a fascinating aspect of the universe. Everything is made up of energy, and humans happen to be a part of it. Sometimes when a person’s energy is affected, their life might get hampered. Thus, to regain their past vitality and mental peace, many people approach energy healers who help them regain their lost balance. 

Contrary to popular belief, energy healing is not only for the spiritual, it is in reality appropriate for everyone. However, if you are wondering who energy healers are and how you should decide that the one you choose is right for you, you have come to the right place.

What Are Energy Healers? 
Cultures all around the world have studied energy healing for centuries. Reiki, the ancient technique of energy healing, is a Japanese tradition dating back to the early 20th century. In addition, the ancient Hindu texts of India also have an elaborate mention of the chakras or the seven energy sources of the human body. 

Energy healers are individuals who are exceptionally trained in the art of energy healing to rid your body of bad aura and guide you towards a path of peace and productivity. Through a comprehensive approach, they return a balance to a person’s emotional, physical, and mental health. Energy healers can help both people affected by mental illnesses like depression and those suffering from long-term diseases like cancer. 

They are also particularly helpful in cases of chemo and radiotherapy because they make the patients feel better holistically.

How To Pick One
Although energy healing has a lot of benefits, there are hardly a few who are actually educated in the art. So, to ensure that the healer you are picking is the right one and will be able to help you feel the best version of yourself, you need to keep a few factors in mind.

Choose Based On Reference
Picking the first healer you come across either on the internet or elsewhere might backfire. This is why a person should be really careful and choose healers who have been recommended by trusted people. That way, you know what the healer is offering, their fees, and if their healing actually works. In addition, one must be overly cautious while dealing in this field because there are a lot of fake healers in the market. 

This is also another reason why someone should not opt for distance healing without researching them first because it is easy to fool people over the internet and not give them their money’s worth.

Ask Them Plenty of Questions
Before going with a particular healer, it is essential to ask them questions about what kind of healing they perform- whether they heal through the Quantum-Touch, Reiki, or others. Among other essential questions, you should also ask them about their certifications, how long they have been working in the field, and most importantly, the money they will charge you. This is crucial because you must ensure that the healer gives you your money’s worth. 

Examine Them Closely
The most critical factor while picking your healer is understanding whether they make you feel calm and comfortable. They should ideally give off a very calming vibe that should immediately make you feel at ease. A healer must not make negative comments about you and must not pressurize you into coming back regularly. 

Another thing to look out for when choosing a healer is how their healing space looks like. Without a space that gives off a warm and congenial vibe, it is impossible for one to heal. 

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